Biotuner utilities
Biotuner utilities#
- sample_rate = 44100
My utility functions.
This module contains a collection of utility functions for working with lists, numbers, and strings.
These functions are useful for manipulating proportions:
compute_peak_ratios(peaks, rebound=True, octave=2, sub=False): Flatten a nested list into a single list.
unique(lists): Remove duplicates from a list while preserving order.
split(lists, n): Split a list into n roughly equal parts.
These functions perform various mathematical operations:
add(x, y): Add two numbers together.
multiply(x, y): Multiply two numbers together.
divide(x, y): Divide one number by another.
- compute_peak_ratios(peaks, rebound=True, octave=2, sub=False)[source]
- This function calculates all the ratios
(with the possibility to bound them between 1 and 2) derived from input peaks.
- Parameters
peaks (List (float)) – Peaks represent local maximum in a spectrum
rebound (boolean) – Defaults to True. False will output unbounded ratios
octave (int) – Arbitrary wanted number of octaves. Defaults to 2.
sub (boolean) – Defaults to False. True will include ratios below the unison (1)
- Returns
ratios_final (List) – List of frequency ratios.
- scale2frac(scale, maxdenom=1000)[source]
Transforms a scale provided as a list of floats into a list of fractions.
- Parameters
scale (List) – List of floats, typically between 1 and 2, representing scale steps.
maxdenom (int) – Maximum denominator of the output fractions.
- Returns
scale_frac (List) – List of fractions representing scale steps.
num (array) – Numerators of all fractions.
den (array) – Denominators of all fractions.
- ratio2frac(ratio, maxdenom=1000)[source]
Trasform a ratio expressed as a float in to a fraction.
- Parameters
ratio (float) – Frequency ratio, typically between 1 and 2.
maxdenom (type) – Maximum denominator of the output fractions.
- Returns
frac (List) – List of 2 int (numerator and denominator).
- frac2scale(scale)[source]
- Transforms a scale expressed in fractions
into a set of float ratios.
- Parameters
scale (List) – List of fractions.
- Returns
scale_ratio (List) – Original scale expressed in float ratios.
- chords_to_ratios(chords, harm_limit=2, spread=True)[source]
- Transforms series of frequencies expressed in float
into series of integer ratios.
- Parameters
chords (List of lists) – Each sublist corresponds to a series of frequencies expressed in float.
harm_limit (int) – Defaults to 2 Maximum harmonic of the lower note below which the higher note should fall.
spread (Boolean) – Defaults to True. When set to True, the harm_limit is applied to the previous note. When set to False, the harm_limit is applied to the first note. When harm_limit == 2, setting the spread to False will contain the chords within the span of one octave.
- Returns
type – Description of returned object.
- NTET_steps(octave, step, NTET)[source]
- This function computes the ratio associated with a specific step
of a N-TET scale.
- Parameters
octave (int) – value of the octave
step (int) – value of the step
NTET (int) – number of steps in the N-TET scale
- Returns
answer (float) – Step value.
- NTET_ratios(n_steps, max_ratio, octave=2)[source]
Generate a series of ratios dividing the octave in N equal steps.
- Parameters
n_steps (int) – Number of steps dividing the octave.
max_ratio (type) – Description of parameter max_ratio.
octave (float) – Defaults to 2. Value of the octave (period).
- Returns
steps_out (List) – List of steps in decimal numbers.
- scale_from_pairs(pairs)[source]
Transforms each pairs of frequencies to ratios.
- Parameters
pairs (List of lists) – Each sublist is a pair of frequencies.
- Returns
scale (List) – Scale steps.
- ratios_harmonics(ratios, n_harms=1)[source]
- Computes the harmonics of ratios in the form of r*n when
r is the ratio expressed as a float and n is the integer representing the harmonic position.
- Parameters
ratios (List) – List of ratios expressed as float.
n_harms (int) – Number of harmonics to compute.
- Returns
ratios_harms (List) – List of original ratios and their harmonics.
- ratios_increments(ratios, n_inc=1)[source]
- Computes the harmonics of ratios in the form of r**n when
r is the ratio expressed as a float and n is the integer representing the increment (e.g. stacking ratios).
- Parameters
ratios (type) – Description of parameter ratios.
n_inc (type) – Description of parameter n_inc.
- Returns
ratios_harms (List) – List of original ratios and their harmonics.
- ratios2cents(ratios)[source]
- Parameters
ratios (List (float)) – List of frequency ratios
- Returns
cents (List (float)) – List of corresponding cents
- flatten(t)[source]
Flattens a list of lists.
- Parameters
t (List of lists)
- Returns
List – Flattened list.
- findsubsets(S, m)[source]
Find all subsets of m elements in a list.
- Parameters
S (List) – List to find subsets in.
m (int) – Number of elements in each subset.
- Returns
List of lists – Each sublist represents a subset of the original list.
- pairs_most_frequent(pairs, n)[source]
Finds the most frequent values in a list of lists of pairs of numbers.
- Parameters
pairs (List of lists) – Each sublist should be a pair of values.
n (int) – Number of most frequent pairs to keep.
- Returns
List of lists – First sublist corresponds to most frequent first values. Second sublist corresponds to most frequent second values.
- rebound(x, low=1, high=2, octave=2)[source]
Rescale a value within given range.
- Parameters
x (float) – Value to rebound.
low (int) – Lower bound. Defaults to 1.
high (int) – Higher bound. Defaults to 2.
octave (int) – Value of an octave.
- Returns
x (float) – Input value rescaled between low and high values.
- rebound_list(x_list, low=1, high=2, octave=2)[source]
Rescale a list within given range.
- Parameters
x (list) – List to rebound.
low (int) – Lower bound. Defaults to 1.
high (int) – Higher bound. Defaults to 2.
octave (int) – Value of an octave.
- Returns
x (list) – Rescaled list between low and high values.
- sum_list(list)[source]
Compute the sum of a list.
- Parameters
list (list) – List of values to sum.
- Returns
sum (float) – Sum of the list.
- compareLists(list1, list2, bounds)[source]
- Find elements that are closest than bounds value from
two lists.
- Parameters
list1 (list) – First list.
list2 (list) – Second list.
bounds (float) – Maximum value between two elements to assume equivalence.
- Returns
matching (array) – Elements that match between the two list (average value of the two close elements).
positions (list) – All indexes of the selected elements combined in one list.
matching_pos (array (n_matching, 3)) – For each matching, a list of the value and the positions in list1 and list2.
- Print3Smallest(arr)[source]
- top_n_indexes(arr, n)[source]
Find the index pairs of maximum values in a 2d array.
- Parameters
arr (ndarray(i, j)) – 2d array.
n (int) – Number of index pairs to return.
- Returns
indexes (List of lists) – Each sublist contains the 2 indexes associated with higest values of the input array.
- getPairs(peaks)[source]
Extract all possible pairs of elements from a list.
- Parameters
peaks (List) – List of values.
- Returns
out (List of lists) – Each sublist corresponds to a pair of value.
- nth_root(num, root)[source]
This function computes the nth root of a number.
- Parameters
num (int) – value of the octave
root (int) – number of steps in the N-TET scale
- Returns
answer (float) – nth root.
- gcd(*numbers)[source]
Return the greatest common divisor of the given integers The result will have the same sign as the last number given (so that when the last number is divided by the result, the result comes out positive).
- Parameters
*numbers (List) – List of numbers.
- Returns
a (float) – Greated common divisor of the input numbers.
- reduced_form(*numbers)[source]
- Return a tuple of numbers which is the reduced form of the input,
which is a list of integers. Ex: [4, 8, 12, 80] -> [1, 2, 3, 20]
- Parameters
*numbers (list (float)) – List of numbers to reduce.
- Returns
reduce (list (int)) – Reduced form of the input.
- lcm(*numbers)[source]
Return the least common multiple of the given integers.
- Parameters
*numbers (list (float)) – List of numbers.
- Returns
lcm_ (int) – Least common multiple of the input numbers.
- prime_factors(n)[source]
- Return a list of the prime factors of the integer n.
Don’t use this for big numbers; it’s a dumb brute-force method.
- Parameters
n (int) – Integer to factorize.
- Returns
factors (list) – List of prime factors of n.
- prime_factor(n)[source]
Find the prime number in a list of n numbers.
- Parameters
n (type) – Description of parameter n.
- Returns
type – Description of returned object.
- contFrac(x, k)[source]
Compute the continuous fraction of a value x for k steps.
- Parameters
x (float) – Value to decompose.
k (int) – Number of steps to go through.
- Returns
cf (list) – List of denominators (1/cf[0] + 1/cf[1] … +1/cf[k]).
- compute_IMs(f1, f2, n)[source]
InterModulation components: sum or subtraction of any non-zero integer multiple of the input frequencies.
- Parameters
f1 (float) – Frequency 1.
f2 (float) – Frequency 2.
n (int) – Order of the intermodulation component.
- Returns
IMs (List) – List of all intermodulation components.
order (List) – Order associated with IMs.
>>> f1 = 3 >>> f2 = 12 >>> n = 2 >>> IMs, order = compute_IMs(f1, f2, n) >>> IMs, order ([9, 15, 21, 27, 6, 18, 30], [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2)])
- phaseScrambleTS(ts)[source]
Returns a TS: original TS power is preserved; TS phase is shuffled.
- Parameters
ts (1d array (numDataPoints, )) – Oriinal time series.
- Returns
tsr (array (numDataPoints)) – Phase scrabled time series.
- AAFT_surrogates(original_data)[source]
- Return surrogates using the amplitude adjusted Fourier transform
- Parameters
original_data (2D array (data, index)) – The original time series.
- Returns
rescaled_data (2D array (surrogate, index))
- correlated_noise_surrogates(original_data)[source]
Return Fourier surrogates.
Generate surrogates by Fourier transforming the
time series (assumed to be real valued), randomizing the phases and then applying an inverse Fourier transform. Correlated noise surrogates share their power spectrum and autocorrelation function with the original_data time series.Note
The amplitudes are not adjusted here, i.e., the individual amplitude distributions are not conserved!
- UnivariateSurrogatesTFT(data_f, MaxIter=1, fc=5)[source]
- Compute Truncated Fourier Transform of the input data.
from: master/
- Parameters
data_f (array) – Original signal.
MaxIter (int) – Defaults to 1. Maximum number of iterations.
fc (int) – Defaults to 5. Description of parameter fc.
- Returns
xsur (array) – Surrogate of the original signal.
- computeFeatureCl_new(afAudioData, cFeatureName, f_s, window=4000, overlap=1)[source]
Calculate spectromorphological metrics on time series.
- Parameters
afAudioData (array (numDataPoints, )) – Input signal.
cFeatureName (str) –
- {‘SpectralCentroid’, ‘SpectralCrestFactor’, ‘SpectralDecrease’,
‘SpectralFlatness’, ‘SpectralFlux’, ‘SpectralKurtosis’, ‘SpectralMfccs’, ‘SpectralPitchChroma’, ‘SpectralRolloff’, ‘SpectralSkewness’, ‘SpectralSlope’, ‘SpectralSpread’, ‘SpectralTonalPowerRatio’, ‘TimeAcfCoeff’, ‘TimeMaxAcf’, ‘TimePeakEnvelope’, ‘TimeRms’, ‘TimeStd’, ‘TimeZeroCrossingRate’}
f_s (int) – Sampling frequency.
window (int) – Length of the moving window in samples.
overlap (int) – Overlap between each moving window in samples.
- Returns
v (array) – Vector of the spectromorphological metric.
t (array) – Timestamps.
- EMD_to_spectromorph(IMFs, sf, method='SpectralCentroid', window=None, overlap=1, in_cut=None, out_cut=None)[source]
- Calculate spectromorphological metrics on intrinsic mode functions
derived using Empirical Mode Decomposition.
- Parameters
IMFs (array (nIMFs, numDataPoints)) – Input data.
sf (int) – Sampling frequency of the original signal.
method (str) – Defaults to ‘SpectralCentroid’. {‘SpectralCentroid’, ‘SpectralCrestFactor’, ‘SpectralDecrease’,
‘SpectralFlatness’, ‘SpectralFlux’, ‘SpectralKurtosis’, ‘SpectralMfccs’, ‘SpectralPitchChroma’, ‘SpectralRolloff’, ‘SpectralSkewness’, ‘SpectralSlope’, ‘SpectralSpread’, ‘SpectralTonalPowerRatio’, ‘TimeAcfCoeff’, ‘TimeMaxAcf’, ‘TimePeakEnvelope’, ‘TimeRms’, ‘TimeStd’, ‘TimeZeroCrossingRate’}
window (int) – Length of the moving window in samples.
overlap (int) – Overlap between each moving window in samples.
in_cut (int) – Number of samples to remove at the beginning.
out_cut (type) – Number of samples to remove at the end.
- Returns
spectro_IMF ((nIMFs, numSpectroPoints)) – Spectromorphological metric for each IMF.
- generate_signal(sf, time_end, freqs, amps, show=False, theta=0, color='blue')[source]
- smooth(x, window_len=11, window='hanning')[source]
smooth the data using a window with requested size.
This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal.
- input:
x: the input signal window_len: dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer window: type of window
{‘flat’, ‘hanning’, ‘hamming’, ‘bartlett’, ‘blackman’} flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.
- output:
the smoothed signal
- NOTE: length(output) != length(input), to correct this:
return y[(window_len/2-1):-(window_len/2)] instead of just y.
- butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5)[source]
- butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5)[source]
- major_triad(hz)[source]
- make_chord(hz, length=1)[source]
- play_chord(chord)[source]
- listen_chords(chords, mult=1, duration=1)[source]
- listen_scale(scale, fund, duration=1)[source]
- frequency_to_note(frequency)[source]
- create_midi(chords, durations, microtonal=True, filename='example')[source]
Creates a MIDI file from a given set of chords and durations. Args:
chords (list): List of chords, where each chord is a list of frequencies. durations (list): List of durations (in beats) for each chord. microtonal (bool): Indicates whether to include microtonal pitch bends (default: True). filename (str): Name of the output MIDI file (default: ‘example’).
- Returns:
mid (MidiFile): The created MIDI file object.
- create_SCL(scale, fname)[source]
Save a scale to .scl file.
- Parameters
scale (list) – List of scale steps.
fname (str) – Name of the saved file.
- scale_interval_names(scale, reduce=False)[source]
Gives the name of intervals in a scale based on PyTuning dictionary.
- Parameters
scale (list) – List of scale steps either in float or fraction form.
reduce (boolean) – Defaults to False. When set to True, output only the steps that match a key in the dictionary.
- Returns
interval_names (list of lists) – Each sublist contains the scale step and the corresponding interval names.
- calculate_pvalues(df, method='pearson')[source]
Calculate the correlation between each column of a DataFrame.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame of values to compute correlation on.
method (str) – Defaults to pearson. {‘pearson’, ‘spearman’}
- Returns
type – Description of returned object.
- peaks_to_amps(peaks, freqs, amps, sf)[source]
Find the amplitudes of spectral peaks.
- Parameters
peaks (list) – Spectral peaks in Hertz.
freqs (list) – All centers of frequency bins.
amps (list) – All amplitudes associated with frequency bins.
sf (int) – Sampling frequency.
- Returns
amps_out (list) – Amplitudes of spectral peaks.
- alpha2bands(a)[source]
- Derive frequency bands for M/EEG analysis based on the alpha peak.
Boundaries of adjacent frequency bands are derived based on the golden ratio, which optimizes the uncoupling of phases between frequencies. (see: Klimesch, 2018)
- Parameters
a (float) – Alpha peak in Hertz.
- Returns
FREQ_BANDS (List of lists) – Each sublist contains the boundaries of each frequency band.
- chunk_ts(data, sf, overlap=10, precision=1)[source]
Divide a time series into overlapping chunks and provide the indexes.
- Parameters
data (ndarray(1d)) – Time series.
sf (int) – Sampling frequency.
overlap (int) – Defaults to 10. Proportion of overlap in percentage.
precision (float) – Defaults to 1. Precision in Hertz. The precision here determines the length of data required to extract the spectral information at that precise frequency.
- Returns
type – Description of returned object.
- string_to_list(string)[source]
- safe_max(lst)[source]
- safe_mean(lst)[source]
- compute_frequency_and_psd(signal, precision_hz, smoothness, fs, noverlap, fmin=None, fmax=None)[source]
Compute the frequencies and power spectral density (PSD) of a signal using Welch method.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – Input signal.
precision_hz (float) – Precision in Hz for the frequencies.
smoothness (float) – Smoothing factor for the PSD.
fs (float) – Sampling frequency of the signal.
noverlap (int) – Number of points to overlap between segments.
fmin (float, optional) – Minimum frequency to compute.
fmax (float, optional) – Maximum frequency to compute.
- Returns
freqs (ndarray) – Frequencies for which the PSD is computed.
psd (ndarray) – Power spectral density of the signal.
- power_law(x, a, b)[source]
Define a power law function.
- Parameters
x (ndarray) – Independent variable.
a (float) – Scaling factor.
b (float) – Power.
- Returns
ndarray – Values after applying power law function.
- apply_power_law_remove(freqs, psd, power_law_remove)[source]
Apply or not a power law to remove it from PSD.
- Parameters
freqs (ndarray) – Frequencies for which the PSD is computed.
psd (ndarray) – Power spectral density of the signal.
power_law_remove (bool) – If True, apply the power law. Otherwise, return the input PSD.
- Returns
ndarray – PSD after potential power law removal.
- functools_reduce(a)[source]
- biotuner_utils
alias of <module ‘biotuner.biotuner_utils’ from ‘/home/franc/git/biotuner/biotuner/’>