========================================================= **Harmonic analysis of biosignals** ========================================================= .. important:: Like the software? Don't forget to support it by `starring `_ |:star:|, sponsoring |:revolving_hearts:|, or spreading the word |:love_letter:| We count on you to help us making it better by **contributing even the tiniest improvements** (a typo, a rephrasing to make things clearer, a comment to the code, a new option, etc.). **Biotuner belongs to you.** Make yourself part of the team! Home ===== Welcome to **Biotuner**'s documentation where you can learn about computational tools derived from music theory and neurophysiology to develop novel ways to analyze, but also use electrophysiological signals as a source of musical or visual composition. .. raw:: html
.. seealso:: You can information on how to cite this documentation `here `_. The documentation covers installation instructions, the API, as well as notebooks that show you how to extract meaningful harmonic information from brain signals, and use the visualization methods of the toolbox. It is for scientists and artists alike. It is constructed in an open-ended manner to allow for the addition of new methods and tools for extended signal support (e.g. cardiac signals and plant signals). You can navigate to the different sections using the left panel. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Menu: :titlesonly: introduction getting_started cite_us examples/index api/index .. include:: ../README.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`